Product Design CGI

We can provide you with HD rendered still images (CGI) of the objects and scenes you specify. Examples might be product concepts, or exploded views of objects.

Contact options:
Tel : 07732 618 988




As the project commences, we’ll need as many resources related to it as you can manage – this should make our goals clearer. These may or may not include:

  1. A description of what you do, and do not want
  2. Anything regarding layout, measurement and scale
  3. Any related promotional materials, including video, photographs and sketches
  4. Any imagery, such as logos, which you wish included in the final works
  5. An indication as to the number and resolution of final imagery
  6. Any constraints or additional requirements

Where possible, you can attach these resources to an email, send them by post, or provide the relevant hyperlinks.

You can also have a look at our render FAQ, which may answer more of your questions.


[Any personal information you share with us will remain confidential, and will not be shared with other organisations. Please view our privacy policy for more information.]

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